Monday, March 26, 2007

Hot Chocolate

Though I am not a chocolate-lover...not one of those woman who hides chocolate or who will do crazy things in its name, it certainly felt good to sip on a nice cup of hot cocoa last night with some whip cream. I call Sundays my "cheat day." I allow myself a few treats on Sunday. It is my theory that every one needs one day like this that breaks their regimen. As I was sipping on the delicious rich chocolate, I decided to research a little more on the studies that have been done concerning the health values of chocolate. A few of the healthy qualities of chocolate (up for debate) are as follows; chocolate prolongs life up to a year, it has calming effects, it increases appetite but DOES NOT cause weight gain, it lifts one's mood, and decreases the risk of cancer and other diseases.
So, as far as I am concerned...all you chocolate crazies...get your daily dosage!

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