Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How bout that cup o' Joe

On a regular day, I have two medium sized iced coffees from my favorite coffee shoppe. It's a treat. Coconut Hazelnut. The employees know my car and have the coffee ready for me as soon as I reach the window. I always tip them graciously. I know I am addicted. I have heard, and tend to agree that, coffee produces adrenaline. However, only for a brief period of time. When this production stops, the body craves that rise again, and often wants another caffeine boost. Coffee aids in alertness, working out, and is an antioxidant. But, on the other hand, it has little nutritional value, can be a complete waste of money, and may potentially cause reproductive problems, anxiety, etc. So, hmm? Good or bad? I suppose there are worse habits...

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