Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Yes, I smell like a butt...yellow teeth, yellow nails, bad breath, bad skin, anxiety, shortened life span, increased chance of Cancer....just a few of the reasons one shouldnn't smoke. Hmm...why do I?
I have been asking myself this question since I commenced my "smoking career" about 4 years ago. It started at first as an innocent hobby that I hid from my family as a freshman in college. None of my friends smoked. I had always wanted to I did. I liked it. My kid boyfriend told me it was cute. Needless to say, I was VERY innocent and smoking was rebellious and cool. I was soon hooked. I didn't care that my parents said my clothes smelled...a little extra perfume, gum in the mouth, it worked.
Now 4 years later, I am addicted. Some weeks are good, some bad. I tend to cyclically quit or close to it, then dive right back in. As much as I "hate" it and realize how gross it is hygienically and VERY detrimental to my health, what can I do to make myself want to stop?!
A workout queen can't be a butthead. It just doesn't add up.


Francesca said...

Hey! Remember me? $200 for coffee!

I think u should really give it up. U know, smoking is not gd for ur own health. I know it might be hard to quit as I got a few fds who are addicted to it 2. But I do believe that everyone could do it if u have faith in urself.

Scott said...

In Ontario there is a contest that you sign up for to stop smoking and the winner gets a new car. But really... I guess your health has to be the best reason.


gymchick1985 said...

Hey Scott. I wish they did those sort of competitions here in Massachusetts! Def a cool incentive...I could use a new ride. Mine just got rear-ended last week!

Sexy said...

i feel your pain. smoking was a problem with me for awhile...its not difficult anymore though to not buy packs...they just cost too much & i have a weak respitory system so i cant handle daily smoking without getting a respitory illness.....but what helped me to quit was hold them like a cig. i dunno though- its hard.