Monday, April 30, 2007

"Wrapping it up" doesn't cut it

Are you doing "the dirty?" Have you done it? Have you been tested recently? If you have engaged in the act of sex, you have made a mature decision that greatly heightens your risk of contracting an STD. According to the American Social Health Association 1/5 of the United States population in infected with an STD, 2/3 of this group are 25 years old or younger. It is also said that 1/5 of Americans have genital herpes and 90% of this group are unaware they have it.....A bit disturbing, considering that untreated STDs may lead to more serious infections such has cancer, birth defects, and infertility. Go get you private parts examined...keep them healthy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


And the sunning weather has arrived! Time to soak up the rays...but not too much. It is a constant debate. I am pro-sunning. I love the feeling after a day at the beach, a walk in the glorious sun, or 15 minutes in a tanning bed when you busy schedule doesn't permit time outdoors. The Vitamin D in sunlight is known to raise one's serotonin levels creating a high. The sun can actual be addicting. Too much of it can lead to burns, rashes, and eventually cause skin-cancer. So be sure to find a happy medium. Use sunblock....but certainly don't be's gorgeous out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How bout that cup o' Joe

On a regular day, I have two medium sized iced coffees from my favorite coffee shoppe. It's a treat. Coconut Hazelnut. The employees know my car and have the coffee ready for me as soon as I reach the window. I always tip them graciously. I know I am addicted. I have heard, and tend to agree that, coffee produces adrenaline. However, only for a brief period of time. When this production stops, the body craves that rise again, and often wants another caffeine boost. Coffee aids in alertness, working out, and is an antioxidant. But, on the other hand, it has little nutritional value, can be a complete waste of money, and may potentially cause reproductive problems, anxiety, etc. So, hmm? Good or bad? I suppose there are worse habits...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


So, my very large, 48 year old male boss challenged me to a foot race once the warm weather arrives. I think, originally he meant it jokingly. He is quite aware of the fact that I routinely exert myself physically and at first said he would compete in a stairmaster contest...who could climb for the longest. However, when he maxed out at five minutes, he desperately changed his mind. A 100 yard dash it is. After a few too many sips of Jack and Coke after a long night working at the restaurant, my boss starts competitively "trash talking" me. I presume he is getting quite anxious...his "training" as it "hits his lips" is a bit different than mine. I have been sprinting for the past few weeks. It has been so invigorating. Though I have only been getting out there about two days weekly, it's been refreshing. The back roads of Groton are lovely. I run between the posts with music blaring between my small, chilled, ears...hyper/high on life....running brings such a rush...a way to get rid of every frusteration, followed by such nirvana. LOVE it. I will also relish in the fact that my boss will see nothing but my backside on the day of the race...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hot Chocolate

Though I am not a chocolate-lover...not one of those woman who hides chocolate or who will do crazy things in its name, it certainly felt good to sip on a nice cup of hot cocoa last night with some whip cream. I call Sundays my "cheat day." I allow myself a few treats on Sunday. It is my theory that every one needs one day like this that breaks their regimen. As I was sipping on the delicious rich chocolate, I decided to research a little more on the studies that have been done concerning the health values of chocolate. A few of the healthy qualities of chocolate (up for debate) are as follows; chocolate prolongs life up to a year, it has calming effects, it increases appetite but DOES NOT cause weight gain, it lifts one's mood, and decreases the risk of cancer and other diseases.
So, as far as I am concerned...all you chocolate crazies...get your daily dosage!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Back on the Wagon

So it's been quite the break for me. Many movies nights with my girlfriends, pizza nights, Chinese food excursions, steak, margaritas, McDonalds, beer, karaoke nights...quite a week of amusement and laziness. Sure, I worked some shifts where I was forced to move around while I waitressed only to meet up with friends upon the close of my shift for a drink followed by more nonsense. I had a great time. But it felt AWESOME to get back to my normal routine today. I woke up early, had a breakfast consisting of an egg and a dry english muffin. I then studied before my class, which to my pleasant surprise was cancelled. I lunched at Subway, and then found my way to the gym where I did a solid 45 minutes on the stairclimber followed by some stretching. It wasn't anything too strenuous. But it was invigorating. I figure, I need to ease myself back into my schedule. I wouldn't want to strain anything...hehe. It is pure gluttony when your pants are tight after one week...worth it?
I found some interesting health tips upon signing on to AOL today. The welcome screen posted some foods that give you a "full feeling." Three of the foods they suggested and I concur with include whey protein (used in shakes often), apples, and pine nuts. What are some of your favorite healthy snacks/appetizer suppressants?

Monday, March 5, 2007

Jarrod's girl

So, I am assuming that most of you are aware of my beau Jarrod. He campaigns for Subway. He went from being a rather hefty man, to a lean Subway-eating machine. I started dating him earlier this summer. We get together approximately five days a week. I pride myself on eating fresh. I starting courting him because I like a quick/cheap/healthy relationship.
He's a consistant guy. When I go over, he offers me 8 sandwiches for less than 6 grams of fat. If I ask for a bag of baked chips and a drink to go along with my Subway only runs me around 5 dollars. With him I know what I am getting. The flavor is always delicious. Our relationship is never dull because he gives me many choices and freedom. Jarrod likes me a lot because I am loyal and stay lean.
Visit him, it's always refreshing!

Monday, February 26, 2007

My Birthday

Hello. I turn 22 big deal. I certainly will be glad to get out of the 21 category. 21 seems to mean to most that you're an alcoholic, at certain parts of the year...I think this did describe me quite well. 21 was a hard year, health-wise, emotionally, mentally. I always look at my birthday as a time of reflection/personal renewal, and a time to celebrate. How will I better myself within the next year? How can I improve my relationships, etc so that I may be a more whole individual?
I had a great time celebrating my life Saturday with a bunch of good friends. It was like a 21st birthday lots of drinks, dancing, food. I enjoyed myself greatly...however, I wasn't treating my body well. The lack of sleep, large consumption of alcohol/greasy, salty foods has left me wornout, broken out like a teenager, and unable to focus. Boy, I have really progressed this year...
It's discouraging to recognize that poisoning your body can be so much's so hard to change habits...everyone has habits...How do you feel about drinking? What are it's pros/cons? How will you change at the start of another year. I know what I need to do...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Yes, I smell like a butt...yellow teeth, yellow nails, bad breath, bad skin, anxiety, shortened life span, increased chance of Cancer....just a few of the reasons one shouldnn't smoke. Hmm...why do I?
I have been asking myself this question since I commenced my "smoking career" about 4 years ago. It started at first as an innocent hobby that I hid from my family as a freshman in college. None of my friends smoked. I had always wanted to I did. I liked it. My kid boyfriend told me it was cute. Needless to say, I was VERY innocent and smoking was rebellious and cool. I was soon hooked. I didn't care that my parents said my clothes smelled...a little extra perfume, gum in the mouth, it worked.
Now 4 years later, I am addicted. Some weeks are good, some bad. I tend to cyclically quit or close to it, then dive right back in. As much as I "hate" it and realize how gross it is hygienically and VERY detrimental to my health, what can I do to make myself want to stop?!
A workout queen can't be a butthead. It just doesn't add up.

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's too COLD!

So, with the recent turn to cold weather...workouts have been a challenge! In the quest to get that daily sweat...I have turned to doing exercise tapes in my bedroom. That's a bit of a feat to conquer because my room is tiny! I push my big red chair into the side of my bed, and make sure not to fall into my large office desk...though I can't say it hasn't happened. When moves require a large stretch of the room, I take it vertical. The pounding heard from downstairs last for about an hour, a bit of a nuisance to my parents who often work out of the home. But I happily get it done. I meditate during the cooldown, imagining that the cold breeze emitted by my open window to chill my stuffy room is really a tropical breeze in the hottest part of the summer. I am proud of my devotion.
My favorite tapes include those by Kari Anderson and Andre Houle. As of late Andre Houle has been giving me a run for the money. His captivating smile and sexy dance moves along with immense positive energy motivate me on the most wintery of days.
So yes, even if you aren't up for a standard gym workout...excuses about the weather/mood can be quickly turned out. Just push the furniture around and let off some steam!!